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2019 – A year of more substantial School initiatives than previous years

Do you want to date a robot? Now what, has the dean gone crazy? No, actually not, it’s a teaser for Södertälje Science Week 30/1 -2/2. Apart from robot dating you can listen to interesting talks including also some prominent faculty members of ITM as speakers. Besides, I like robots. We have closed the books … Continue reading “2019 – A year of more substantial School initiatives than previous years”

Threats ahead, challenges ahead, plans ahead, initiatives ahead, holidays ahead

In a recent guest editorial article in SvD about the climate threat and the impact of its counter-measures on our economy it is argued that we are facing huge costs (in the range of thousands of billions of dollars) while still not even coming close to the 1.5 degree target. This is not surprising given … Continue reading “Threats ahead, challenges ahead, plans ahead, initiatives ahead, holidays ahead”

Welcome back!

I hope that you all have had a relaxing summer vacation “despite” the nice weather. It is clear that weather and climate are very different things but according to Professor Johan Rockström, SU and Stockholm Resilience Centre: “The warmest summer ever can only be explained by understanding that climate changes interact with weather” (my translation … Continue reading “Welcome back!”

ITM has become bigger and will continue to grow

From 1st of January ITM includes a seventh department (Institutionen för lärande) and our Department of Sustainable Production (HPU) has now moved to the brand new campus in Södertälje. Without these promising changes and developments we would have been the smallest of the five new Schools. Now we are next to smallest. Although growth is … Continue reading “ITM has become bigger and will continue to grow”