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How does it feel to be in the fast lane on the digital highway?

In English further down. Hur känns det att ligga i innerfilen på den digitala motorvägen? Kära kollegor! Just nu ser vi på nära håll hur saker i vår närhet förändras – både hur vårt universitet fungerar och hur det dagliga livet gestaltar sig. Detta drivs naturligtvis på av den rådande pandemin. Vi är vana vid … Continue reading “How does it feel to be in the fast lane on the digital highway?”

Welcome back to work!

In English further down. Välkommen tillbaks till jobbet! Kära kollega, först och främst vill jag välkomna dig tillbaks till KTH efter semestern. På grund av reserestriktioner antar jag att du har tillbringat sommaren i Sverige. Kanske har du till och med upptäckt några nya guldkorn i ditt närområde? Hur som helst så hoppas jag att … Continue reading “Welcome back to work!”

How will KTH look like in August?

Dear colleagues, We are entering the last weeks before the vacation period. By now, I believe most of you have already planned your vacation together with your closest manager and if not please make sure to do so. Currently, we are in the exam period of this semester. Despite that alternative examinations have been introduced … Continue reading “How will KTH look like in August?”

No monkey business or fake news!

Dear colleagues, We have entered the month of May, which is supposed to be an official spring month. However, the weather forecast is still prediction cold weather this coming weekend so it is hard to say. At the same time, most of you work from home under these new circumstances where you are responsible for … Continue reading “No monkey business or fake news!”