On October 26-28, 2022, Carnegie Mellon University and KTH successfully held a joint 3-day Workshop on efficient and effective data-driven learning and teaching. There were 30 attendees, mostly from KTH, but also from two companies (NE and ImgPlay) as well as representatives from Uppsala and Mälardalen University. The workshop was structured with an Introduction to … Continue reading “Successful workshop on efficient and effective data-driven learning and teaching”
We are guest editing an issue of Multimodal Technologies and Interaction with the theme “Effective and Efficient Digital Learning”. Despite many promising initiatives to use digital technology to enhance teaching and learning, its impact on the vast majority of education has so far been slim. There are several reasons for this: (1) Staff experience a … Continue reading “Special Issue “Effective and Efficient Digital Learning””
AbstractSustainable education does not yet have a widely accepted definition in the literature. In this work, we start from the Sustainable Development Goal of Quality Education for All (SDG4) and interpret sustainable education as increasing the quality of learning whilst conserving the resources required to produce and deliver it. From this interpretation, we argue that … Continue reading “Paper published: Sustainable Approaches for Accelerated Learning”
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Hur mycket repetition krävs för att behärska något? Under din skoltid, har du någonsin undrat hur många gånger du måste repetera något, till exempel att lösa matematiska ekvationer, innan du behärska det? Nu har vi svaret: Det är åtta (8)! Vi har genomfört en studie med data från kurser konstruerade med Open Learning Initiative-metoden (OLI). … Continue reading “Hur mycket repetition krävs för att behärska något?”