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The current landscape of learning analytics in higher education

This study is a systematic literature review of learning analytics in higher education. It is published in the journal of Computers in Human Behavior and is freely available at   In this study, we found that: 1. Most learning analytics research undertake a descriptive approach. 2. Interpretative and experimental studies prevail. 3. Overall there … Continue reading “The current landscape of learning analytics in higher education”

Paper published: The energy piggy bank — A serious game for energy conservation

Finally the proceedings from the SustainIT conference (“The 5:th IFIP Conference on Sustainable Internet and Sustainability” have been published. One of my papers were within the TEL area, and conserved a serious game we developed for learning about household energy consumption. Abstract: Serious games have attracted much attention recently and are used to in an … Continue reading “Paper published: The energy piggy bank — A serious game for energy conservation”

Hur mycket repetition krävs för att behärska något?

Hur mycket repetition krävs för att behärska något? Under din skoltid, har du någonsin undrat hur många gånger du måste repetera något, till exempel att lösa matematiska ekvationer, innan du behärska det? Nu har vi svaret: Det är åtta (8)! Vi har genomfört en studie med data från kurser konstruerade med Open Learning Initiative-metoden (OLI). … Continue reading “Hur mycket repetition krävs för att behärska något?”

How much repetition is needed in order to master something?

When in school, have you ever wondered how many times you have to repeat something, such as solving mathematical equations, before you will master it? Now we have the answer: It is eight (8)! We have performed a study on data from courses using the Open Learning Initiative (OLI) methodology.  Among other things, OLI courses … Continue reading “How much repetition is needed in order to master something?”