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Polymers in Biomedicine: A Pathway to a New Therapeutic Era

In his talk, Professor Valentin Ceña will detail the current research on polymers and nanoparticles towards therapeutic applications.

Tid: Må 2018-03-12 kl 13.00 - 14.00

Plats: K1, Teknikringen 56

Medverkande: Prof. Valentin Ceña


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Polymers and nanoparticles due to their unique interaction with the environment are starting to play a very relevant role in biomedicine. Their ability to interfere with altered cellular signaling pathways either by themselves or by cargo molecules (drugs or siRNA) that they can transport provides the basis for their possible use in therapeutics.

In the seminar, examples of the beneficial actions of polymers and nanoparticles on cellular and animal models of inflammation and cancer will be presented.