About us
KTH Climate Action Centre is a multi-disciplinary, collaborative and research-focused centre aiming to advance climate mitigation and adaptation in synergy with all the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

A just world with net zero carbon emissions, and climate-resilient and sustainable societies.
For KTH to be a leading university in trans-disciplinary climate action research and education
To engage students and citizens within climate and sustainability
To support the national-level achievement of climate action goals in Sweden and abroad
To foster innovation for climate action with the civil, private and public sectors
The aim of KTH Climate Action Centre is to conduct groundbreaking research in close collaboration with stakeholders in order to speed up the transformation. The centre engages researchers from all parts of KTH, and opens up for dialogue, collaboration and action together with everyone who wants to contribute.
The Centre To Date
Since its formation in August 2021, the KTH Climate Action Centre is being increasingly recognized as an important player in Sweden and abroad in climate action research, engagement, and collaborations. Within KTH the attention is very high, and the Centre is already enabling new collaborations and projects on a range of climate themes. The Centre is also gaining more recognition outside KTH as evidenced by invitations to conferences, news articles on Centre activities, and other metrics. Some key metrics to date are:
The Centre has been growing in participation within KTH, with over 100 people now affiliated, including:
- A director, deputy director and board comprised of members from all five of KTH’s schools
- A multi-disciplinary team of researchers comprised of at least one researcher per school coordinating their school’s engagement in the Centre
- Five post-doctoral researchers hired by or associated with the Centre
- Five student ambassadors (amanuensis) coordinating student activities within KTH
- A network of 85 researchers affiliated to the Centre, spanning all KTH schools
The Centre has initiated and already produced outputs within a number of research, education and collaborative projects such as:
- A research agenda on climate and sustainability for KTH which establishes the Centre’s approach to bridging the climate knowledge-action gap, accepted as a paper in Nature Publishing Group (NPJ) Climate Action
- Four projects with seed funding from the Centre, including varied work on climate mitigation and adaptation
- A variety of projects and publications (see )
- A new PhD course, and a variety of activities for students at KTH and outside
- A range of workshops for new collaborations within KTH and with external partners, including on climate and digitalization, climate adaptation, negative emissions and new materials
The Centre has started new collaborations with external society, including:
- Strategic partnerships with the Stockholm Environmental Institute, Akademiska Hus and the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
- A new collaborative group on climate and health has been established within Stockholm Trio
- Project collaborations with the World Bank and the International Energy Agency among others