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QUASAR is an FP7 targeted research project (STREP) that brings together a highly competent team of manufacturers, operators, regulators and universities with the aim at bridging this gap between the claims made in traditional cognitive radio research and practical implementation by assessing and quantifying the “real-world” benefits of secondary (opportunistic) access to primary (licensed) spectrum.

The analysis is based on two key features of cognitive radio: the ability of the secondary users to discover the opportunity to use the spectrum, and assessing the electromagnetic impact of secondary user transmissions on primary system (receivers). Novel approaches are taken as we go beyond the traditional notion of detecting “spectrum holes” into treating spectrum opportunity discovery as a data fusion problem, as well as new schemes that cope interference from multiple uncoordinated secondary users.

A key aspect of the project is to assess also the business and regulatory impact of secondary, opportunistic access. The aim is provide regulatory bodies with solid fact as base for future regulation.

Contact person KTH: Jens Zander
Wireless@KTH partners: KTH, Ericsson, PTS
Funding: EU, Industry