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BEYOND5 is first and foremost a technology project gathering most significant European actors covering the entire value chain from materials, semiconductor technologies, designs and components up to the systems. The goal of BEYOND5 is to build a completely European supply chain for Radio-Frequency Electronics enabling new RF domains for sensing, communication, 5G radio infrastructure and beyond. BEYOND5 strives to bring together mobile broadband (5G), the Internet of Things (IoT) and automation connectivity for self-driving cars in a single technology platform based on the most advanced SOI technologies manufactured in Europe, namely RFSOI and FDSOI.

The ambition is to accomplish sustainable Radio Frequency SOI platforms to cover the frequency range from 0.7GHz to more than 100GHz, and to demonstrate the technical advantage of SOI, which allows combining large scale integration, low power consumption, cost competitiveness and higher reliability; thus, resulting in high volume production of trusted components with low environmental impact in Europe. This objective will be achieved using the 3 major work stream

  • Technology enhancement:
    • The first worldwide 300mm RF SOI substrates pilot line in Soitec, "Fab 5G",
    • The "Substrate Innovation Center" to prepare future generations in LETI, coupled with the 300mm CMOS line of LETI.
    • 22FDX technology pilot line ready to use addressing Digital Signal Processing of radio module and RF reliability, in GLOBALFOUNDRIES
    • RF-SOI 65nm technology pilot line for 5G Front-End Modules (FEM) in ST. This RFSOI technology will address both sub 6GHz and 28GHz application domains.
  • European RF Network enhancement:

    • To create IP, building blocks, design libraries focused on FD-SOI and RF-SOI using a large fabless community (Large group, SMEs and Academia)
  • Leading edge systems development for RF connectivity and sensing:

    • NB IoT for Smart Asset Tracking,
    • Contactless USB for high-data rate communication,
    • V2X for autonomous connected trucks
    • 5G Low Power Digital Beamforming Base Station for Indoor dense spaces,
    • Automotive MIMO Radar with embedded AI,
    • Car Interior Radar for passenger monitoring.

Purpose and goal

KTH will take part in the following demonstrators: V2X for autonomous connected trucks and 5G Low Power Digital Beamforming Base Station for Indoor dense spaces.

For the demonstrator of V2X for autonomous connected trucks, KTH will perform large scale 5G system design and performance analysis with RFSOI providing small form factor and power efficient integration of antenna array components.

For the demonstrator of 5G Low Power Digital Beamforming Base Station for Indoor dense spaces, KTH will perform large scale simulations, performance analysis and optimization for communication system design.

Expected outcome

For the demonstrator of V2X for autonomous connected trucks, novel interference management techniques will be developed. Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communication (URLLC) system design will be performed.

For the demonstrator of 5G Low Power Digital Beamforming Base Station for Indoor dense spaces, KTH will develop algorithms to maximize the system throughput based on number of antenna elements, beam alignment, resource allocation in a mm-Wave multi user MIMO system.

This work will bring KTH the opportunity to make new innovations in cost and energy-efficient mm-Wave Massive-MIMO system design and intelligent radio resource allocation considering end users. User scenarios and newly developed system component specifications by industry partners in BEYOND5 will be exploited. Researchers and PhD students at KTH will develop their skills in a significant high impact area through interaction with experts from large industry.

Planned approach and implementation

This project has received funding from the ECSEL Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 876124. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and France, Germany, Turkey, Sweden, Belgium, Poland, Netherland, Israel, Switzerland, Romania. KTH part is led by Cicek Cavdar. Three PhD students have been recruited to work on this project.


1 June 2021 -- 31 May 2023

Contact person

Emil Björnson
Mustafa Özger

External link

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