EnergyShield is an H2020 project that captures the needs of Electrical Power and Energy System (EPES) operators and combines the latest technologies for vulnerability assessment, supervision and protection to draft a defensive toolkit.
KTH is a partner in an interdisciplinary Consortium (18 partners from 10 European and associated states) that was awarded 7.4 million Euros to implement an Integrated Cybersecurity Solution for the Vulnerability Assessment, Monitoring and Protection of Critical Energy Infrastructures. The EnergyShield Consortium consists of two large industrial partners, supported by six innovative SMEs, three academic research organizations, and seven end-users representing various parts of the EPES value chain. Partners complement each other in terms of competences, expertise and technical capabilities, and market strategy.
The project promotes an integrative approach based on the information exchanged by the various tools to predict future attacks and deploy intelligent algorithms. EnergyShield toolkit will combine the latest technologies for vulnerability assessment (automated threat modelling), monitoring & protection (anomaly detection and DDoS mitigation) and learning & sharing (security information and event management).
The toolkit will be implemented with the support of end-users representing all parts of the EPES value chain (generator, TSO, DSO, aggregator, consumer) who will contribute to the specification, prototyping and demonstration phases of the project.
The project results will be tested in two pilot sites. Bulgaria proposes a city-level online demonstrator that will study the cascading effects of cyber attacks throughout the electric grid value chain, and analyze cyber security risks related to the cyber supply chain. Similarly, Italy promotesasmall scale offline demonstrator focusing on DSO infrastructures that builds a dedicated, offline testing area on one of the network control sub-systems where a cyber attack will be simulated.
Project information:
EnergyShield project spans three years and started in the 1stof July 2019. The partners the implementing the project are SIVECO Romania (Romania), PSI Software (Germany), SI-GA Data Security (Israel), Foreseeti (Sweden), L7 Defense (Luxembourg) Tech Inspire (United Kingdom), Konnekt Able Technologies Limited (Ireland), City University Of London (United Kingdom), Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Sweden), National Technical University of Athens (Greece), Software Company Eood (Bulgarian), Kogen Zagore (Bulgaria), Mvets Lenishta (Bulgaria), Elektroenergien Sistemen Operator (Bulgaria), CEZ Distribution (Bulgaria), MIG 23 (Bulgaria), DIL DIEL (Bulgaria) and IREN (Italy).
This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement No. 832907.
For more information
KTH EnergyShield news and publications:
Swedish news
NyTeknik, Svenska forskare ska hacka europeiska elbolag , 2019-09-09.
Swedish Radio (P1 Studio 1), Ökat behov av etiska hackare , 2019-09-06.
Forskning & Framsteg, Därför ska KTH hacka elbolag i Bulgarien , 2019-09-06.
Computer Sweden, Nu ska elbolagen hackas – KTH får 1,5 miljoner till white hats , 2019-09-04.
KTH News (press release), , 2019-08-30 (Press release spread, examples 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ).
Simon Hacks, Alexander Hacks, Sotirios Katsikeas, Benedikt Klaer, and Robert Lagerström, “Creating MAL Instances Using ArchiMate on the Example of Attacks on Power Plants and Power Grids,” accepted for publication in the proceedings of the Enterprise Computing Conference, IEEE EDOC, 2019.
Events and conferences
EU project United Grid will host a workshop on smart grids incl. security in Gothenburg Sweden, where EnergyShield will be presented, 2019-12-04.
EnergyShield related results on threat modeling for power grids will be presented at IEEE EDOC , the enterprise computing conference, in Paris, 2019-10-30.
CS3STHLM , the Stockholm international summit on Cyber Security in SCADA and Industrial Control Systems, EnergyShield will be presented at the Expo , 2019-10-22.
Information meeting with Swedish energy companies about EnergyShield, at KTH, 2019-10-04.