SCS research projects
Below is a list of research project that are run at the division SCS and that have their own home pages. Also earlier projects that still have a web page are listed here.
Current research projects
Fully Autonomous Safety- and Time-critical Embedded Realisation of Artificial Intelligence
Ansvarig: Paris Carbone
Responsible: Dejan Kostic
Time-Critical Clouds
Responsible: Dejan Kostic
Real-time Analytics for Internet of Sports
Marie Curie European Training Network
Ansvarig: Sarunas Girdzijauskas
HMC - Heterogeneous Model Compilers for Uncertain Environments
SSF has approved funding for the project "future research leader" to David Broman. The project name is "HMC - Heterogeneous Model Compilers for Uncertain Environments".
Responsible: David Broman
The project "Automating System SpEcific Model-Based Learning - ASSEMBLE” received 29 milj SEK from the The Swedish foundation for strategic research (SSF). The objective of the project is to develop new probabilistic modeling language abstractions together with new machine learning inference algorithms to enable fast and complex development of smart systems. The project team consists of four researchers from KTH and Uppsala. From KTH: the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
Responsible: David Broman
Finished projects

In the context of SERC, the Swedish e-Science research center, we develop Hops. Hops is the first open platform-as-a-service distribution of Hadoop v2. Hops provides support for virtualized Hadoop on different platforms: Hops can currently be deployed and managed on AWS EC2, OpenStack, and Bare-Metal. Hops also provides a highly available, more scalable distribution of HDFS, where the NameNode is replaced by a highly available, replicated in-memory database. Our HDFS distribution supports much larger amounts of meta-data that is now customizable support. Hops also supports many different data-intensive computing platforms, such as MapReduce and Spark through YARN. Stratosphere will support come soon.
Responsible: Jim Dowling
Apache Flink

Apache Flink is a platform for efficient, distributed, general-purpose data processing. It features powerful programming abstractions in Java and Scala, a high-performance runtime, and automatic program optimization. It has native support for iterations, incremental iterations, and programs consisting of large DAGs of operations. Flink Streaming is an extension of the core Flink API for high-throughput, low-latency data stream processing. The system can connect to and process data streams from many data sources like RabbitMQ, Flume, Twitter, ZeroMQ and also from any user defined data source.
Responsible: Seif Haridi
EU-funded project. Responsible: Vladimir Vlassov
Deep Analytics for Continuous Real-time Decisions
SSF-funded project 2017-2022. Responsible: Seif Haridi
COMET dasRES, a cooperation project with SCCH, the Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Linz, Austria.
Responsible: Mihhail Matskin
EU funded project. Responsible: Benoit Baudry
Unison was a project on robust, scalable, and open code generation by combinatorial problem solving. The initial VR-funding is finished, and it has spin-offs in the form of bilateral projects with industry, in particular Ericsson AB. This work is done in collaboration with RISE SICS.
Responsible: Christian Schulte

EDSA, the European Data Science Academy is an EU-project where needs are analysed and curricula are developed for educating data science specialists.
Responsible: Mihhail Matskin

The goal of this project is to develop an End-to-End information-centric Cloud (E2E-Cloud) for data intensive services and applications. The E2E-Clouds is a distributed and federated cloud infrastructure that meets the challenge of scale by aggregating, provisioning and managing computational, storage and networking resources from multiple centers and providers. Like some current data-center clouds it manages computation and storage in an integrated fashion for efficiency, but adds wide-scale distribution. Some of the challenges addressed can be seen as overcoming the limitations of current clouds, many of which are far more important in a distributed cloud than the single data-center cloud. Read more here.
Responsible: Seif Haridi
EIT Future Cloud Sense
A Sensemaking service capable of extracting concepts from large scale unstructured texts and linking them to entries in existing multilingual knowledge bases.
Responsible: Sarunas Girdzijauskas
Biobank Cloud

BiobankCloud is an EU-funded FP7 project that is developing a cloud-computing platform as a service (PaaS) for the storage, analysis and inter-connection of biobank data. Our platform will provide security, storage, data-intensive computing tools, bioinformatics workflows, and support for allowing biobanks to share data with one another, all within the existing regulatory frameworks for the storage and usage of biobank data.
Responsible: Jim Dowling

The CLOMMUNITY project aims at addressing the obstacles for communities of citizens in bootstrapping, running and expanding community-owned networks that provide community services organised as community clouds. That requires solving specific research challenges imposed by the requirement of: self-managing and scalable decentralized infrastructure services for the management and aggregation of a large number of widespread low-cost unreliable networking, storage and home computing resources; distributed platform services to support and facilitate the design and operation of elastic, resilient and scalable service overlays and user-oriented services built over these underlying services, providing a good quality of experience at the lowest economic and environmental cost.
Responsible: Vladimir Vlassov
PaPP Artemis

PaPP Artemis was a multinational project on programming of parallel computers.
Responsible: Vladimir Vlassov and Mats Brorsson