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KTH International Buddy Program

Get involved by mentoring a student via the KTH International Buddy Program. Through sharing your knowledge and experience, in matters great and small, both the student and you will gain new perspectives.

KTH International Buddy Program is a mentorship program for students who are going to study abroad and international alumni. By getting involved as a mentor in the KTH International Buddy Program you can contribute to a higher quality education and a better experience for our students.

As an alum and mentor taking part, the program will provide fresh insights into what life and education at KTH is like today and you will have the opportunity to really make a positive impact on the student’s international experience.

The mentor and mentee decide when and where to meet up. We recommend to meet at least twice per term. Once, to get to know each other and the second time the mentor can for example show the mentee their workplace.

The matching of mentors and mentees will be done by the KTH Alumni office who will as much as possible consider factors like educational background, industry and other interests.

The KTH International Buddy Program depends on where KTH alumni are located and where students are going for their exchange studies.

Mentor and mentee having lunch

"Me and Terrence met at the Dim Sum Place where we shared Cantonese Dim Sum. Dim Sum is small Chinese dishes, you order several of them and have them with tea. It was really delicious! We spoke about different stuff. Mostly about Singapore, life, work etc. We also spoke about our exchange semesters, Terrence´s in Sweden and mine so far in Singapore. Then we walked to a café where we took the picture and had some fika."

Mentee Mohammed Issa and mentor Terrence Zheng

Please contact us at  if you want to know more about KTH International Buddy Program.