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EPE/EJ3420 Seminar 1: Advanced control and stabilization of sustainable power systems

Time: Wed 2020-09-16 15.00 - 17.00


Participating: Dr. Xu Qianwen, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

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Title: Advanced control and stabilization of sustainable power systems


Modern power grids are shifting towards more renewables, more power electronics and more digital. There are many challenges to be addressed, including the critical demand-supply power balance under the intermittent renewable generations, the economic operation under renewable uncertainties, the stability issue emerged from the high penetration of power electronic converters and the cybersecurity issue with the sophisticated control and communication networks. This seminar will present advanced control strategies for the above challenges. First, decentralized/distributed power management strategies are proposed for hybrid energy storage systems to compensate power fluctuations. Next, distributed and robust energy management strategies are proposed for economic operation of networked microgrid communities under uncertainties. Then, composite nonlinear control strategies are proposed to stabilize microgrids with high penetration of power electronic converters even under large signal disturbances. Finally, resilient distributed control strategies are proposed for frequency/voltage regulation under cyberattacks. The proposed works provide a more economic, stable and resilient solution for future sustainable power systems.


Dr. Xu Qianwen received the B.Sc. degree from Tianjin University, China in 2014 and PhD degree from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 2018, both in electrical engineering. Then she worked as a research associate in Hong Kong Polytechnic University, a postdoc research fellow in Aalborg University in Denmark, a Wallenberg-NTU Presidential Postdoc Fellow in Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Currently she is an assistant professor in KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Her research interests include control, optimization, stability and cybersecurity of microgrids and power electronics based power systems.