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EPE/EJ3420 Seminar 3: PhD 50 % seminar on ‘Efficient trading for wind power integration’

Time: Mon 2020-10-12 13.15 - 14.30


Participating: Priyanka Shinde, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

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Title: PhD 50 % seminar on ‘Efficient trading for wind power integration’


Variable renewable energy sources are inherently stochastic in nature and as a result, they might lead to high balancing costs. Allowing trade closer to the time of delivery is a potential solution. Intraday electricity markets provide this possibility to the market participants to adjust their positions in the market based on the updated forecast. Therefore, we have proposed an agent-based approach to model the behavior and interaction of different market participants in the intraday electricity markets. Additionally, we have also formulated a method to optimally plan the dispatch in balancing market with intermittent renewable generation from the System Operator’s perspective.


Priyanka Shinde completed her M.Sc. in Power Systems from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IIT Madras) in 2017. Presently, she is a Ph.D. student at the Division of Electric Power and Energy Systems (EPE) in KTH. The title of her project is "Efficient trading for wind power integration". The aim of the project is to develop the agent-based models to analyze how the trade would work in electricity markets with different market structures.