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EPE/EJ3420 Seminar 4: PhD 30 % seminar

Time: Fri 2020-10-23 15.15 - 16.30


Participating: Mehrdad Nahalparvari, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

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Title: PhD 30 % seminar


Welcome to my 30% seminar where I will be presenting my latest findings on impedance modeling of modular multilevel converters within the framework of the PROMOTioN project (which officially ended last week), some small side-activities so far, and a very brief intro to the start of my new project “open-source control systems for HVDC converters


Mehrdad Nahalparvari received the M.Sc. degree in power electronics from Tampere University, Finland in 2019. He is now with the division of electric power and energy systems (EPE) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, where he works towards the Ph.D. degree. His research interests include modeling and control of grid-connected power electronic converters.