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PDC & NSC Cafe online on 19 May

PDC and NSC are joining forces this month to welcomes researchers using PDC or NSC resources to an informal "PDC & NSC Cafe” that will be held online on Tuesday 19th May from 13:00-15:00. This is a chance for you to discuss any HPC-related problems associated with your research and get useful advice from the PDC and NSC application experts and other staff.

Time: Tue 2020-05-19 13.00 - 15.00

Location: Online via Zoom

Participating: PDC & NSC staff


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Note that the time for this event has been changed so it will run from 13:00-15:00 (rather than 10:00-12:00 as initially advertised).

We will be meeting online via Zoom ( ). The Zoom link will also be sent out via PDC and NSC email lists soon. (If you haven't already joined the PDC announce mailing list, you can do so from here .)

If there's anything that you think could be improved - either in your own scripts, workflows or codes, or in the services provided by PDC or NSC - join us online so you can discuss it; we would love to help!

Here are some suggestions for issues you could discuss:

  • How to improve your run scripts
  • Help with scripting
  • Help with programming and software management
  • Help with project organization and data management
  • Help with Linux stuff
  • How to improve the performance of your calculations
  • “Papercuts”: things that annoy you and how we can fix that
  • How to improve services
  • Project ideas
  • Learn about cool services that you may not know yet

Sometimes, there may be a short presentation on a useful topic during the Cafe meeting, but you will still be welcome to ask questions about your research or other HPC matters before and after the presentation.

Similar events at other Nordic locations

Other high performance computing centres and university departments in the Nordic countries welcome researchers to similar events.