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PDC-SeRC seminar: "Next generation climate modelling with ICON"

PDC and SeRC are hosting a series of seminars about e-Science where SeRC members and other interested researchers and students can meet to exchange ideas and listen to inspiring e-Science presentations by outstanding researchers.

Time: Wed 2020-02-19 12.00 - 13.00

Location: SeRC room, 5th floor Teknikringen 14, KTH

Participating: Professor Thorsten Mauritsen, Department of Meteorology (MISU), Stockholm University


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Climate modeling is usually based on general circulation models that simulate the flow in the atmosphere and oceans. Despite five decades of development, though, the intermodel spread in terms of key quantities such as the temperature and precipitation response to CO 2 has not been reduced; in certain regards the opposite has happened. This is related to the lacking resolution which means that precipitating convective clouds have to be parameterised. In this talk Prof. Mauritsen will show that it is now possible to simulate convective clouds in a global climate model and he will report on their first attempts to couple this with an ocean model that likewise explicitly simulates fine-scale details such as eddies. Prof. Mauritsen will discuss some of the technical challenges that had to be managed to get to this point, and argue that the time to do this type of simulations is now.


A light lunch will be provided so please register here  (so that we know how much food to order).