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Hi there Martin Edin Grimheden, new Industrial Transformation Platform Deptuty Director

Published Aug 25, 2022

In mid-August, Martin Edin Grimheden/ITM School assumed his position as Deputy Director of KTH's research platform Industrial Transformation.

Why did you accept the position as new deputy director for the Industrial Transformation Platform?

Martin Edin Grimheden. Photo: KTH

"I really like the idea of using platforms to focus KTH:s strengths into something, and, in this case, to focus all our strength into the most difficult societal challenge of all – industrial transformation to combat climate change," Martin Edin Grimheden  says, Associate Professor, Head of Department, KTH Machine Design .

What do you look forward to in working with the platform?

"To meet researchers in areas that I usually don’t engage in, to see how the need for industrial transformation evolves in basically all areas that relates to climate change."

What are the challenges within the industrial transformation area?

"Same as everywhere… we cannot solve the challenges of today with the mindset of yesterday, it’s extremely difficult to break free from traditions, culture and routines."

What can the Industrial Transformation Platform offer KTH researchers?

"I think the platform could be a Tiger Team for KTH. The platform can, and should, guide KTH in strategic decisions that helps us to focus on matters of importance. The platform can have a KTH overview of a specific field and connect people and initiatives."

Other ideas?

"I have been heavily engaged in the ITM IRIS initiative , “Research Initiative on Sustainable Industry and Society”, a huge effort intended to create new multi-disciplinary research areas, to empower junior researchers and promote cross-departmental activities. Basically everything relates to industrial transformation. I see lot’s of opportunities to learn from these activities and expanding the initiative via the platform."

Martin Grimheden new Deputy Director of the Industrial Transformation Platform