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Materials research at KTH

Materials science has traditionally been an important multidisciplinary research area at KTH with strong ties to Swedish industry and areas such as mechanics, process technology, design, product development, and life cycle analysis. Materials is one of KTH's six multidisciplinary focus areas, with many research projects aiming at contributing to sustainable development.

Research for sustainable development

Materials science has traditionally been an important research area at KTH with strong ties to the Swedish industry. In fact, one of the very first departments at KTH was founded to supply the mining industry with skilled engineers. In addition to the research and education in traditional materials such as metal alloys and wood. Many of the ongoing research projects within six thematic research areas within the Materials Platform  aim at contributing to sustainable development, by, for example:

  • finding replacements for toxic substances and critical raw materials
  • develop environmentally friendly water cleaning technologies, or
  • develop materials for energy technologies such as thermoelectrics and solar energy.

Research centres

KTH has a large number of centres, many of which involve some kind of material research. See Materials related competence centres

Infrastructure for materials

KTH has an extensive infrastructure for research and innovation with many advanced research environments available for technology and research-intensive companies and organisations.