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Number of hits: 84
- Chris Eur:Tautological classes of matroids
- Mariel Supina:Equivariant Ehrhart theory: Overview and recent results
- Akihiro Higashitani:Universal inequalities for h*-vectors of lattice polytopes
- Peter J. Cameron:The geometry of diagonal groups
- Marta Pavelka: 2-LC triangulated manifolds are exponentially many
- Martin Winter: Capturing Polytopal Symmetries in the Edge-Graph
- Matthias Schymura: Complexity of linear relaxations in integer programming
- Colin Defant: Fertilitopes
- Julian Pfeifle: Positive Plücker Tree Certificates for Non-Realizability
- Amy Wiebe: A combinatorial approach to Minkowski tensors of polytopes
- Amy Wiebe: A combinatorial approach to Minkowski tensors of polytopes
- Hailun Zheng: Techniques in constructing neighborly polytopes and spheres
- Daniel Köhne: Laplacian Polytopes of Oriented Simplicial Complexes
- Eva Philippe:Sweep polytopes and sweep oriented matroids
- Richard Stanley: Two Analogues of Pascal's Triangle
- Lukas Kühne: Matroids and Algebra
- Luis Ferroni:Valuative invariants for large classes of matroids
- Jorge Olarte: The tropical symplectic Grassmannian
- Bin Han: On the gamma-positivity of binomial Eulerian polynomials for colored permutations
- Galen Dorpalen-Barry: Varchenko-Gel’fand Ring of a "Cone" of a Hyperplane Arrangement
- Felipe Rincón: Tropical Ideals
- Samu Potka: Limiting Directions for Random Walks in Classical Affine Weyl Groups
- Joseph Doolittle: Counterexamples to Perles Conjecture
- Maria Dostert: A Semidefinite Programming Bound for the Average Kissing Number
- Eran Nevo: Face enumeration in flag complexes
- Luca Schaffler: Point configurations, phylogenetic trees, and dissimilarity vectors
- Afshin Goodarzi:Mixed connectivity for cell complexes
- Sebastian Manecke : Inscribable fans, zonotopes, and reflection arrangements
- Federico Castillo:The space of Minkowski Summands
- Petter Restadh: A Polytopal Method for DAG Structure Learning
- Anders Claesson: On the problem of Hertzsprung and similar problems
- Thomas Lam: Polypositroids
- Luis Ferroni: Matroids are not Ehrhart positive
- Emanuele Delucchi: Supersolvable posets and the K(\pi,1) property for Abelian arrangements.
- Jan-Marten Brunink: Combinatorics of antiprism triangulations
- Andrés David Santamaría-Galvis:Partitioning the Projective Plane and the Dunce Hat
- Jonathan Leake: Transportation polytope volume bounds via polynomial capacity and Lorentzian polynomials
- Eleni Tzanaki: Symmetric decompositions, triangulations and real-rootedness
- Alexander Lazar: q-Enumeration of Barely Set-Valued Tableaux and P-Partitions
- Lorenzo Venturello: Flag triangulated spheres and quadratic algebras
- Benjamin Schröter: About Dressians and tropical Grassmannians
- Kolja Knauer: Sample Compression Schemes for Complexes of Oriented Matroids
- Kristof Bérczi : Exchange distance in split matroids
- Lei Xue : A Proof of Grünbaum’s Lower Bound Conjecture for polytopes, lattices, and strongly regular pseudomanifolds
- Francisco Santos:Multitriangulations and tropical Pfaffians
- Anders Björner:Topological aspects of Boolean functions
- Alexander Lazar: Partition and Cohen-Macaulay Extenders
- Kozhasov Khazhgali: On complete monotonicity of inverse powers of elementary symmetric polynomials
- Michelle Wachs: On the homogenized Linial arrangement and Genocchi numbers
- Alexander Lazar:The Noncrossing Bond Posets of Ferrers Graphs
- Per Alexandersson:Run-sorting
- Sasha Pevzner:Facets of simplicial complexes with symmetric Stanley–Reisner ideals
- Darij Grinberg: Noncommutative Birational Rowmotion on Rectangles
- Kevin Piterman: Posets associated to vector spaces with non-degenerate forms
- Richard Stanley:The X-Descent Set of a Permutation
- Jerónimo Valencia-Porras:Snake decomposition of lattice path matroids
- Leonardo Saud Maia Leite: A study about the chain polynomial of the lattice of flats of a matroid
- Victoria Schleis: Linear degenerate flag matroids and tropical flag varieties
- Anders Claesson: Permutations with few inversions
- Laura Sanita: On the Simplex method for 0/1 polytopes
- Gaku Liu:Unimodular triangulations of sufficiently large dilations
- Mario Kummer:Matroids with the half-plane property and related concepts
- Sophia Elia:Rational Ehrhart Theory
- Mellissa Sherman-Bennett:The hypersimplex and the m=2 amplituhedron
- Per Alexandersson: Open Problems Regarding Cyclic Sieving
- Spencer Backman: Simplicial generation of Chow rings of matroids
- Naoki Fujita :Schubert calculus and string polytopes
- Lilla Tóthmérész: h*-vectors of edge polytopes and symmetric edge polytopes
- Afshin Goodarzi:Higher dimensional analogues of Whitney theorem
- Esme Bajo: q-Analog Chromatic polynomials
- Sophie Rehberg: Rational Ehrhart Theory
- Akihiro Higashitani: Characterizing h^*-polynomials of lattice simplices with small volumes
- Katie Bruegge: Counting Facets of Symmetric Edge Polytopes
- Aryaman Jal: Bisectors of polyhedral norms
- Petter Restadh: Edges of the Characteristic Imset Polytope
- Chi Ho Yuen:Filtrations of tope spaces of oriented matroids
- Pratik Misra:Combinatorial and algebraic perspectives on the marginal independence structure of Bayesian networks
- Matt Larson:Stellahedral geometry of matroids
- Vassilis Moustakas:Euler-Mahonian identities and specializations of quasisymmetric functions
- Luis Ferroni:Many valuations for many matroids
- Petter Bränden:Lorentzian polynomials on cones
- Lorenzo Vecchi:Hilbert series of matroids
- Christos Athanasiadis:On the gamma-positivity of the Eulerian transformation
- Johanna Steinmeyer:Lefschetz and unimodality for Lattice Polytopes