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  • RIHOND – Renewable Industrial Heat On Demand

    The aim of this project is to design, assess and develop an innovative technical cost-effective solutions for integrated power-to-heat and thermal energy storage systems to satisfy the heat demand of the hard to abate industrial sector. The final goal of the project is to provide design recommendations for Kyoto Group’s next generation thermal energy storage and power-to-heat solution.

  • PED StepWise — Participatory Step-by-Step Implementation Process for Zero Carbon District Concepts in Existing Neighbourhoods

    Europe is built. We have around 2% new construction per year compared to existing buildings. Decarbonisation of existing buildings and neighbourhoods is challenging for several reasons: different stakeholders, proper timing, existing space on site, etc. PED StepWise develops a step-by-step process that reflects the “messy” reality of the situation in existing neighbourhoods and the need to step “wisely” to develop a PED. By “wisely” we mean a process that is knowledge-based, participatory, holistic and inclusive, that does not just address technical issues but engages with citizens and other stakeholders to create zero-carbon places. From a smart grid to a wise grid.