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  • Holiday travel can be climate smart

    Flying the family to Thailand to celebrate the holidays? Maybe taking the train to Åre? The difference in climate impact is considerable, according to environmental research. The greenhouse gas emissions created by a round-trip flight from Sweden to the beaches of Southeast Asia is roughly 200 times greater than the amount generated by a rail trip from Stockholm to the Swedish mountains.

  • Aviation's VIP line must be reviewed

    Sweden's most notable transport researcher has recently presented his thesis and it is an extensive report. Among other things, it appears that better vehicle technologies and fuels are not sufficient to achieve our climate goals, that there is a need to reduce car travel by 30 percent and that air traffic will surpass car traffic within 10 years as regards the emission of greenhouse gases.

  • National infrastructure plan leads to increased environmental impact

    Today’s transport planning is in conflict with transport policy objectives and will produce an increased environmental impact. As a result, they don’t contribute to long-term sustainable transport services. These are some of the conclusions KTH researchers Göran Finnveden and Jonas Åkerman have found which will be presented at an international conference in Linköping tomorrow, 10 May.