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New dimensions of 3D printing
A drawing programme and a 3D printer: in the future, that’s all it will take to produce customised micro- and nanoscale silicon structures for sensors and other devices.
When small is big
Microcomponents are used everywhere – in fuel cells, medical equipment and consumer products like mobile phones and game consoles. Advances in research have led to dramatically lower manufacturing costs, opening new markets for the tiny devices.
This is what winter vomiting disease and video games have in common
The European Research Council's call, the ERC Advanced Grant is aimed at established world class researchers. Göran Stemme, KTH professor who specialises in microsystems, is the type of scientist it is aimed at. He has now received SEK 23 million to conduct research which may result in new medical technologies.
Passion only takes you so far
He is striving to obtain the perfect combination of new features in a small size, at a low cost to carry out portable tests for cancer, bacteria or viruses. It must produce results in minutes. The newly-fledged professor of Microsystem Technology Wouter van der Wijngaart had to hit the wall to understand that passion alone was not enough to cope with his growing workload. He needed mental training as much as physical exercise.
Recognition of major contributions on a micro scale
Their most successful project within medical diagnostics is a pressure sensor that measures strictures in the heart and consequently prevent heart attacks. Today hundreds of such sensors are sold every year, all over the world. When the European Research Council (ERC) announced grants to world-class researchers, Göran Stemme and his research colleagues at the Microsystem Technology Lab brought home SEK 23 million! Such research may result in new medical technology.
Department of Intelligent Systems
We conduct research and education in the general area of intelligent systems. Our research activities range from basic and theoretical to applications in autonomous systems, robotics, AI and machine learning, media processing, sensors, micro and nanosystems, and communications.