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  • Japanese at KTH

  • Chinese at KTH

  • Spanish at KTH

  • French at KTH

  • German at KTH

  • Språkcafé

    Att gå till ett språkcafé är ett avslappnat men effektivt sätt att underhålla och förbättra din tal- och lyssningsförmåga. Det är också ett tillfälle att träffa människor från hela världen och lära sig mer om deras länder och kulturer. KTH:s språkcaféer i olika språk erbjuds från och med vecka 6 till KTH biblioteket.

  • Courses in rhetoric

  • Intercultural competence

    You need to be able to understand, communicate and work in environments characterised by cultural and social diversity. Global competence is increasingly demanded in professional life and is a prerequisite for working successfully in our global society. This course will help you develop that competence.

  • Certificate of global competence

    In their future roles, KTH students need to communicate and work in environments characterised by cultural and social diversity. Global competence is increasingly demanded in professional life and is a prerequisite for working successfully in our global society. KTH offers a Certificate of Global Competence in order to satisfy this need.

  • Credit-bearing courses in Swedish

    Our credit-bearing courses in Swedish help international students to quickly achieve a high level of Swedish. The courses are designed to meet the needs of international engineering students and include themes and vocabulary relevant to this group.

  • Tandem Language Exchange

    Improve language skills, prepare for your foreign studies or take the opportunity to get to know someone from another country to broaden your views. The Tandem Language Partner Program is an initiative from KTH Language and Communication addressed to all students and employees at KTH. Through Tandem, you can meet someone who has your chosen language as a native language, thereby improving your foreign language skills and exchanging information about studies, work or interests.

  • Communicate in English

    KTH Language and Communication offers a range of courses in English. These courses will boost your confidence, show you how to avoid errors, and help you to write and speak English more effectively in academic and professional situations. Simply put: our aim is to help you improve your English.