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Number of hits: 7

  • Capacity control in Heat Pump systems

    The overall objective of this project is to develop a structured method to approach the challenge of better understanding the techniques and potential for capacity control in Heat pump systems with a focus on Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) systems.

  • Digitalization and IoT technologies for Heat Pump systems

    In the last decades digital technologies became widely used in energy end-use sectors and digital solutions have been driving dramatic changes in the society. In the years to come, Heat Pumps will become connected devices participating in the Internet of Things (IoT).

  • Functional surface coatings for energy efficient heat pumps

    This project concerns the frost formation problem on air-source heat pumps (ASHP), which is a common issue in colder climates such as Sweden.

  • Efficient use of energy wells for heat pumps (completed)

  • Tank to Grave Management of new Low-GWP Refrigerants (Hantering av nya låg-GWP köldmedier från installation till destruktion)

    The project “Tank to Grave Management of new Low-GWP Refrigerants” is a project funded within the Termo program (heating and cooling for future energy systems), the 5th funding call (contributing to a Sustainable Energy System through Heating and Cooling) by the Swedish Energy Agency.

  • Smart Control Strategies for Heat Pump Systems (completed)

    A new perspective for improving the heat pump system performance can be given by the development of enhanced system control strategies able to achieve a considerable increase of the system Seasonal Performance Factor together with a reduction of operation and maintenance costs.

  • Alternative secondary fluids for indirect refrigeration systems

    The secondary fluid is a complex mixture which also contains pH adjusting agents, antioxidants, anti-foaming agents, stabilizers, colorants, etc. These additives can stabilize and improve the fluid performance but also affects the thermophysical properties. Secondary fluid is water-based solutions of organic or inorganic substances (such as alcohols, glycols and salts) used in various indirect refrigeration systems and heat pumps. The advantages of the indirect refrigeration systems are: low refrigerant charge, low risk of refrigerant leakage, the fact that the primary refrigerant system is localized in the machine room, easy and precise control, no oil recovery problems, refrigerants like ammonia and hydrocarbons can be used; easy maintenance, no technical limitations on the distance between refrigeration and machine room, plastic pipes can be used and that it will be longer intervals between defrost periods when air cooling due to more uniform frost formation.