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OPM Ethiopia project “Energy system development pathways in Ethiopia”
The project “Energy system development pathways for Ethiopia” is being led by the University College of London (UCL) along with the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), the Ethiopian Development Research Institute (EDRI) and Addis Ababa Institute of Technology (AAIT). The project is part of the Applied Research Programme on Energy for Economic Growth (EEG), led by Oxford Policy Management.
The project aims at developing innovative methodologies to facilitate the design of policies and bridge knowledge and technology gaps in the field of the water-land-food-energy-climate Nexus under climate change conditions. SIM4NEXUS will develop a methodology of integration using a complexity science approach and a Serious Game, as an integrating tool for testing and evaluating policy decisions. The Serious Game will be operable at different scales ranging from regional to national, to continental, to global, as well as at different time horizons—short, medium and long-term.
Climate, Land and Energy Analytical study of Potential Nexus Issues in Jordan and Morocco
With the goal of contributing to carrying out the “Implementing the 2030 Agenda for water efficiency/productivity and water sustainability in NENA countries” project, funded by the UN Food and Agricultural Organization, KTH is providing analyses and support on decision making across the climate, land energy and water spheres in Morocco and Jordan
European Climate and Energy Modelling Forum
The aim of the European Climate and Energy Modelling Forum (ECEMF) is to provide knowledge to inform the development of future energy and climate policies at national and European levels.
- Supporting the Design of Sustainable Development Policies with Policy Modelling Tools