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Number of hits: 8
Energy Storage for Smart Meter Privacy
An energy storage system (e.g., a battery) that changes the consumption pattern reported to the electric utility, using a predetermined pattern formed by an algorithm. Our aim is to study and develop the technology of a physical approach to enhance user privacy.
Service layer design for pro-environmental behavior in the built environment
The project focuses on service design starting from the users’ needs and experience, providing a systematic procedure that links data analysis to human-centered service design.
Ensuring sustainability and equality of water and energy systems during actor-driven disruptive innovation – SEQWENS
Combining evaluation of state of art of heat and water recovery in properties with actor analysis and system assessment, the projects long-term aim is to ensure a safe transition toward a low-carbon society, with focus on water, heat and housing, such that we avoid large-scale disruption of these critical services and unintended effects of social injustice.
Real-time user feedback: monitoring campaign in student apartments
A user-friendly web-app that can be used in real-time to provide a feedback about perceived indoor comfort.
Comparative Spill-Over And Degradation Effects Of Nudges And Boosts
This project compares two types of non-coercive and non-incentivizing policies that aim to change households’ energy and consumption behavior. It tests the comparative effectiveness, degradation and spill-over effects of these two policy types in a long-term, randomized field experiment.
USB-C for Energy-Smart Buildings
Ochno is developing a platform for simplified integration of USB C sockets in buildings, measurement of electricity distribution, control of connected devices and reduction of power consumption.
Efficient Kitchen Ventilation with Energy Recovery
A collaboration between KTH and Tovenco for more efficient ventilation in apartments through coordinated flow in the exhaust air ventilation and a developed kitchen hood that increases energy recovery.
Cost- and Energy-Efficient Control Systems for Buildings
This project exploits high-resolution data gathered in KTH Live-in Lab research testbeds through an advanced and modular monitoring set-up, capable of acquiring real-time data on indoor environmental quality and involved energy flows including ground source heat pumps, photovoltaic panels and ventilation.