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EU Green Capital Seminar II: Urban Ecosystem Services
WELCOME TO A SEMINAR AT KTH! Arranged by the Department of Land and Water Resources Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology
Seminar: Urban systems science - from theory to applications
Seminar by Professor Brian Deal, Urban and Regional Planing, University of Illinois, USA
Comparative Urban Ecology
Comparative ecology of cities: What makes an urban biota "urban"?
ISSUE – Integrating Sustainability Strategies in Urban Environments
Develop innovative strategies to support sustainable development in urban and peri-urban areas.
MAP-Stump: A decision support system for forest biomass harvesting
The main objective is effective generation of sustainable and renewable energy through forest biomass feedstock.
LEAM Stockholm
Planning support for sustainable urban development - LEAM Stockholm: The Land Evolution and impact Assessment Model (LEAM) Stockholm is a simulation laboratory for the development of the Stockholm Region.
Seminar: Using systems thinking to promote renewable energy and sustainability
Systems analysis and thinking as a hub for integration between society, environment and technology
Local participation in catchment based management
Local participation in catchment based management: institutional structures and policy design for encouraging measures in agriculture.
EU Green Captial Seminar I: Urban Nature
Workshop: Making the ecosystem approach operational - The role of water governance in the Baltic Sea Region
Making the ecosystem approach operational - The role of water governance in the Baltic Sea Region. International Scientific Workshop at Södertörn University, August 25 – 26, 2011
Fostering participation and dialogue using strategic environmental assessment
Examining the development of flexible, adaptable and participative strategic environmental assessment processes.
Seminar and workshop: Energy Landscapes - integrating multiple criteria for decision making
Renewable energy and landscapes - towards integrated energy-environment sustainability assessment
Energy-environment systems analysis
A part of the Energy System Analysis Agency
Green areas in compact, energy efficient cities
Attain attractive and sustainable urban environments.
Environmental assessment of forest bioenergy in multiple-use landscapes
The project aim to connect the existing models for calculating timber, pulp and bioenergy production, with new methods for biodiversity, carbon stock and recreation evaluation, to develop a new method for forests’ trade-offs and synergies analysis.
Shaping a sustainability strategy for the Arctic
To address gaps, limitations and deficiencies by designing and implementing an overarching, participatory and transboundary strategic environmental assessment (SEA).
Hydrological modeling as a tool for water resources management
Hydrological modeling as a tool for sustainable water resources management: A case study of the Awash River Basin.
KTH Geographic Information Network
Welcome to the KTH-GIN Geographic Information Network. Find information on useful things or where to start digging. KTH-GIN is an informal network of GISers within KTH and aims to be a resource for researchers concerning Geographic Information Systems/Science. We aim to provide both technical information and a network for exchange of ideas and research methods. Check out for upcoming seminars, courses, on-going research projects and other. KTH-GIN involves all interested. GIS-related research is carried out at Geoinformatics, Land and Water Resources Engineering, Spatial Analysis & Design, and other.
Integrated sustainability assessment of forest bioenergy options
Method development for trade-off analysis of forest bioenergy feedstock provision and other ecosystem services.
Hydropower and environmental flows – tools for decision support
Investigating and assembling different options for integrating essential environmental aspects in policy and planning of hydropower plants.
Improving the environmental performance of the construction sector
Improving the environmental performance of the construction sector through linking environmental impact assessment and green procurement
Sustainable Planning and Environmental Assessment Knowledge
Groundwater in peri-urban areas
Modelling and visualization of pollutant transport in peri-urban areas of shallow groundwater table and development of a decision aid system for evaluating remediation and prevention schemes.
Road ecology in environmental assessment
(Ekologiska konsekvenser av transportintrastruktur i miljöbedömning)
Monitoring and evaluation of rural water supply in Uganda
How to improve the delivery of rural water services.
MatrixGreen supports network-based (or graph theoretical) analyses of fragmented landscapes.
Adaption of road drainage structures under climate and land use change
Bridging the gap between science and application
Mitigation of Lake Victoria water quality problems
Support tools for mitigation of Lake Victoria water quality problems
Seminar: Data on roads and transportation
Data on roads and transportation - The Swedish National Road Database and SAMPERS
Water supply in an urban area: A case study of Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Identifying the problems which causes the lack of investment into the water infrastructure.
Information in support of water management in the North Baltic River Basin District, Sweden
How the information requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive have been implemented in the North Baltic River Basin District.
Strengthen the strategic municipal energy planning
How to make energy plans more proactive in planning for sustainable development.
LEcA – a Landscape Ecological Assessment tool for REEEM
Role of technologies in an energy efficient economy – model-based analysis of policy measures and transformation pathways to a sustainable energy system.
Bioenergy options in Brazil
Bioenergy options in Brazil – environmental impacts of land use change.