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Number of hits: 4

  • ERC grant to Environmental Historian Sverker Sörlin

    Sverker Sörlin, Professor of Environmental History at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, is one of ten Swedish researchers receiving a grant from the European Research Council’s ERC Advanced Grants, which provides funding to senior researchers. The grant is to enable him to carry out a historical study into the emergence and development of environmental governance.

  • Symposium + RTC on the Environmental Humanities

    NIES Symposium V: "Environmental Humanities: Cultural perspectives on nature and the environment" ("Gröna humaniora: Kulturella perspektiv på natur och miljö"), Sigtuna Foundation 14-16 October 2011 Researcher Training Course: "Advancing Theory and Method in the Environmental Humanities", Sigtuna Foundation 14-19 October 2011

  • Innovation Systems of Wind Power in Denmark and Sweden: Close but Different

  • KTH gets a grip of the Arctic

    The Division of History of Science and Technology at KTH will receive SEK 7 million from Mistra to conduct research on the future of the Arctic.