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Number of hits: 3

  • Smart Home Research Set to Begin

    KTH researchers are about to begin work on designs for innovative new “smart homes” in Norra Djurgårdsstaden, the gigantic showcase development that will re-shape the northeastern edge of the Swedish capital in coming decades. Smart electric grids, already a KTH strength, are an important element in the project.

  • Touchpads can be used for patient information

    When a cancer has been diagnosed, surgery is often urgently required. To quickly get an overview of the information available about a patient, it is not always adequate with case records and verbal communication. KTH researcher Kristina Groth, together with colleagues has developed a communication tool that runs on touchpads (such as Ipads) and which very quickly provides physicians with an overview of the situation.

  • Disaster warner and revolution catalyst in one

    Researchers at KTH have now developed a system for wireless sharing and communication which they call Podnet. The aim has been to investigate and facilitate sporadic communication between different devices, such as mobile phones, mp3 players and tablet computers. According to Gunnar Karlsson, Professor of Communication Networks and head of Podnet, there are many areas of application for the system.