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Number of hits: 6

  • New weapon against antibiotic resistance

    The European Centre for Disease ECDC estimates that 25,000 Europeans die each year due to antibiotic resistance. A multi-million crown project entitled RAPP-ID is now in full swing, its objective is to remedy antibiotic resistance with the design of new drugs. A number of KTH researchers are along for the ride.

  • Sensors to monitor bridges – and even enable them to tweet

    While bridge collapses are rare, there have been enough of them to raise concerns in some parts of the world that their condition is not sufficiently monitored. Sweden is taking a hi-tech approach to its aging infrastructure. Researchers from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm are rigging up the country’s bridges with multiple sensors that allow early detection of wear and tear. The bridges can even tweet throughout the course of a day.

  • This is how expensive power failures can be averted

    Transformers are the bridge between your computer, TV and washing machine at home and the nuclear power station. They also form a link between companies and the same power station. When the transformer breaks down, it costs society and businesses a lot of money. Researchers at KTH have now started working on a new method making it possible to keep track of the transformer’s condition which means we can avoid unnecessary and costly power failures.

  • This is what winter vomiting disease and video games have in common

    The European Research Council's call, the ERC Advanced Grant is aimed at established world class researchers. Göran Stemme, KTH professor who specialises in microsystems, is the type of scientist it is aimed at. He has now received SEK 23 million to conduct research which may result in new medical technologies.

  • In a home or any other environment that cannot be perfectly controlled, true robot usability comes from the capability of grasping and manipulation of objects. Challenges include, but are are not limited to; error detection, safety aspects, navigation and localization, control, and – what this project is focusing on – grasping and simple manipulation.

  • Tough nut that can withstand 600 degrees heat

    Fatal radiation, 600 degrees heat and a really exciting existence of several kilovolts. That's what KTH researchers' electronics have to cope with when they are used in such brutal environments such as in nuclear power plants and on oil rigs. SEK 24.2 million in research grants will help scientists to succeed.