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Number of hits: 12
Modelling of melt motion
The goal of the project is to identify the principal physical mechanisms of melt motion, surface deformation and droplet ejection in contemporary fusion devices as well as in future fusion reactors but also to provide qualitative predictions for ITER and DEMO.
Modelling of dust transport
The project aims at understanding and modelling the dynamics of metallic condensed matter (dust or droplets) micron-sized particulates in fusion reactors. Of particular practical interest are numerical predictions of high-Z impurity release due to dust vaporization, the location of dust accumulation sites, as well as the long-term evolution of the in-vessel dust inventory.
Emissive sheaths in magnetized plasmas
The project aims to contribute to the understanding of the sheaths surrounding hot refractory metal surfaces in the dense magnetized plasma environment of present-day and future fusion devices. The practical goal is to provide accurate analytical expressions for the non-ambipolar currents that constitute boundary conditions for computational tools simulating melt motion.
Dust adhesion and remobilization
The goal of the project is to contribute to a better understanding of how dust-surface contacts evolve during interaction with dense fusion plasmas, to quantify the strength of the adhesive force that is exerted on immobile metallic dust under tokamak conditions and to explain the underlying microscopic mechanisms of adhesion.
Physics of the Auroral E-region
In this project, we study the physics of the lower ionosphere as revealed by multi-point measurements obtained by sounding rockets.
Multiple polar auroral arcs: characteristics and magnetic source regions
The aim of this project is the study of Transpolar Auroral Arcs (TPAs)
Electron acceleration in shocks
The goal of the project is to improve our understanding of electron heating and energetic electron generation mechanisms in collisionless shocks that are common in solar system but also other remote astrophysical plasmas.
Uranus' upper atmosphere and aurora
In this project, we study the upper atmosphere of ice giant planet Uranus and search for far-ultraviolet auroral emissions.
Remote-sensing of the Jupiter system
In this project, we study Jupiter’s magnetosphere and the Galilean moons using remote-sensing telescope observations.
Solar wind magnetic holes
The goal of this project is to further investigate properties, generation mechanisms and effects of bubbles of low magnetic field strength in the solar wind called ‘magnetic holes’.
Warm dense matter
The goal of the project is to develop novel theoretical schemes that accurately describe the thermodynamics, structure and dynamics of the uniform electron fluid within the warm dense matter regime and the dilute strongly coupled regime. The basis is the self-consistent dielectric formalism of the linear and nonlinear density response theory.
Strongly coupled plasmas
The goal of the project is to contribute to our theoretical understanding of the thermodynamics (equation of state), static properties (pair correlations, structure factors), dynamic properties (collective modes, transport coefficients) and phase transformation characteristics (liquid-solid transition, glass transition) of strongly coupled plasmas.