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  • Homo Colossus

    From Homo Sapiens to Homo Colossus: Visualising our energy footprint

  • Energy-autonomous embedded systems

    Prof. Prof. Peter Woias, IMTEK, University of Freiburg, is acting as opponent on the thesis defense of Henrik Gradin, "Heterogeneous Integration of Shape Memory Alloys for High Performance Microvalves" at 10:00 in E3, Osquars backe 14. In conjunction with this, he will also give a seminar entitled "Energy-autonomous embedded systems". You are all very welcome Göran Stemme

  • KTH's lunches become sustainable energy

    The leftovers of your lunch that you leave on your plate are now being transformed into biogas at a research facility at the edge of the wood on Brinellvägen on KTH's campus. The experiment may become a first stage in having food waste from restaurants and kitchens at KTH being transformed into electricity and heat.

  • Sustainable urban smart grids in Brazil

    A consortium of Swedish and Brazilian stakeholders is exploring opportunities for developing sustainable urban smart grids in Brazil. This includes the definition of “solution packages” and “business cases” with demonstration value and potential to be implemented and replicated. The effort builds upon Swedish experiences in the field of smart grids and the concept of SymbioCity.

  • Scientists produce electricity from wood

    At a time when energy is an issue affecting many millions of people worldwide, scientists at KTH have managed to harvest electricity by passing water through refined wood. Their work has recently been published in the journal Advanced Functional Materials.

  • Arctic Seminar series: Vattenfall and the electricity production in the north

    Welcome to the third installation of our Arctic Seminar series in collaboration with Environmental Humanities Laboratory! We will hear from Mikael Nordlander at Vattenfall who will talk about Vattenfall and their role in the electricity production expansion in the north, its implications and what is done for it to be a sustainable transition.