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  • Fewer schools at KTH

    The school organization is given a green light in the evaluation that has been carried out. But the investigators believe that there should be fewer schools and that what they offer should be more diverse. The first phase proposes a merger of the Schools for Chemical Sciences and Biotechnology. In addition, the office of Director of education should definitely be a full-time occupation, the investigators believe.

  • Studying together for success

    Peer teaching is the path to success for new students. They learn the university's study techniques much quicker, which lowers the dropout rate and improves the pass rate. This has been the experience of several schools at KTH. Recently, the Chemistry and Biotechnology departments also started employing this concept. The first evaluations indicate that peer teaching is a success.

  • Cheap and quick HIV testing made possible with DVD scanners

    Video streaming and USB sticks have rendered DVD players are all but obsolete. But their cheap optics may find a new life in a cost-effective and speedy technique for on-the-spot HIV/AIDS testing and other analytics.