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Number of hits: 4

  • Schools supported by KTH research

    Three Stockholm municipalities have been given the chance to both contribute to and take part in research that KTH's teacher students do in their degree projects. The "KULF" project at the Department of Learning, has received good attention for its results.

  • "Maths coach online" evens out the odds

    "Maths coach online" (Mattecoach på nätet) offers young people aged 12-19 help with mathematics through online coaching by using text messages and a shared digital whiteboard. The coaches are teacher students at a Swedish university. Since the start, 25,000 calls have been made. The service is a compensatory tool to ensure that all students, regardless of socio-economic background, have access to to help with homework. All calls are saved for use in research.

  • KTH knowledge sharpens African universities

    The ITM School helps five African universities to excel in entrepreneurship and teaching methods. Together with a handful of European universities, KTH will increase their competence in various fields of education.

  • 8 million to “Mattecoach på nätet”

    With 8 new million from Erling-Persson's foundation, Mattecoach på nätet (Mathcoach online) will expand geographically, and the number of math coaches will increase.