KLARA (English)
KLARA is a web-based system for chemical handling, inventory and risk-analysis
KLARA is a tool for the companies at Greenhouse Labs to handle and inventory chemicals. It is the same system that is used at the rest of KTH. Through KLARA, all safety data sheets are collected in one place and there are templates to help with risk analysis of experiments.
Link to KLARA web portal
More about KLARA: KLARA is a chemical management system used at KTH and several other universities. It is mainly used for inventory of all chemicals at the various institutions, and KLARA is connected to a large product database. You can reach the product database from the above link. On the first page of KLARA, you can change the language by using the flags in the right corner. From this first page you can search for chemicals and their safety data sheets (SDS). Click on "Chemical database" in the upper left corner. A new page opens where you can search for different products and topics. Then you get a list of products which can have different concentrations and compositions. Once you have chosen the topic you want, you can look up the SDS.
Log in to KLARA:
The chemical database is openly accessible but if you want more information you need to log in. Greenhouse Labs has a separate subdivision in KLARA that only Greenhouse Labs can access. To log in to KLARA, use your unique username and password or a shared username if your company has a group access. You will receive the username and password from the director of Greenhouse Labs.
Risk assessment in KLARA:
After logging in, go to "chemicals" (where you can find manuals) and then to "risk assessment". Risk assessment in KLARA supports the user in meeting the requirements set by the Swedish Work Environment Authority in AFS 2011: 19. To the left, there is a list of risk assessments that have already been made.
At the bottom of the page, tap View and you can see what the finished document will look like. Create a new risk assessment by pressing the "New assessment" button, creating a new file with a new name. No template needed. Select the company you belong to, tap Save and the file will appear in the window. There are about 30 items that must be filled in, next to each heading there is an explanation of how to fill in the template (blue dot with an i).
some clarifications:
Point 3, Products
Here you can set all the chemicals used in the experiment. Use the search function on the right side to add the chemicals used. Write the name of the substance in Swedish or English (or CAS number), for example methanol, and press the search symbol. A list of methanol in various forms comes up. Look up the product you are going to use and click on it. This places the chemical in the product list risk assessment. Hazard statements, safety phrases and symbols appear automatically. You can also get the entire SDS by pressing the blue dot of the name of the subject in the product list. The topics will be placed in alphabetical order. Fill in the list of concentration and quantity of the subject and any comments.
Some substances may have hygienic limit values where you have to choose whether these are acceptable or must be checked. If you want to use a CMR substance, there will be a question of whether an investigation into the possibility of replacing the product has been carried out. Press the little blue dot and read the explanation.
Point 4, Risk Chemicals
There are four different categories to choose from and the topic that has the highest category takes priority. Look at hazard statements just created in the product list and read the instructions under this heading.
Point 5, Exposure Level
According to the amount of substance, physical properties, and working methods the exposure level is calculated. Next step: Continue with questions about personal protective equipment, ventilation etc.
Finally, you make an overall assessment of the entire method where the probability and consequences of an accident are assessed according to a matrix. Don't forget to fill in your name. Save the risk assessment and print it (go to printable version). The risk assessment can have status started (red), finished (yellow) or approved (green). In the latter case, the director of Greenhouse Labs or laboratory manager for the company must sign the paper version of the risk assessment, do not change the status of the risk assessment if it is not approved by the director of Greenhouse Labs or lab manager. Think about what the risk assessment means for the planned work. Is there anything you can do to reduce the risk? Is it possible to reduce the amount of chemicals? Can you change any substance? Can you change the working method?
Time to classify and label chemical products
From June 1, 2015, the labeling of chemical products shall comply with the requirements of CLP Regulations. This means that manufactures or importers of mixtures need to re-classify their products and update labeling and safety data sheets. For chemical substances, the CLP Regulation, Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 on classification, labeling and packaging applies fully since 2010. From June 1, 2015, all mixtures must also comply with the requirements of CLP.
More information can be found on the Swedish Chemicals Agency 's website.
The Swedish Chemicals Agency's fact sheet: