Dynamic Rating with Applications to Renewable Energy
Time: Fri 2020-01-31 14.00
Location: Kollegiesalen, Brinellvägen 8, Stockholm (English)
Subject area: Electrical Engineering
Doctoral student: Kateryna Morozovska , Elektroteknisk teori och konstruktion, QED Asset Management
Opponent: Dr. Adamantios Marinakis, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Supervisor: Docent Patrik Hilber, Elektroteknisk teori och konstruktion; Dr. Tor Laneryd, ABB AB, Corporate Research; Professor Hans Ezz Edin, Elektroteknisk teori och konstruktion
Dynamic rating (DR) of power components is a method for assessing real-time capacity of large scale power transmission and distribution devices (commonly: transmission lines, power transformers, underground cables) and using this knowledge for adjusting loading limits of these components.
Dynamic rating of power lines or dynamic line rating (DLR) is a pioneering technology in the area of dynamic rating. Heat balance of an overhead conductor is a defining factor when designing capacity limits for power lines. The maximum ampacity of the power line depends on the factors, such as ambient temperature, wind speed, wind direction, solar radiation, humidity, location, height above the sea level and conductor dimensions and material properties.
Dynamic transformer rating (DTR) is a new emerging technology with high interest from industry and academia. Similarly to DLR, the dynamic rating of transformers relies on a thermal assessment of the device by locating the hottest spot in the transformer windings. The hot-spot temperature is the limiting factor for determining the maximum allowable ampacity. By shifting from the power-constrained the loading limits to the temperature-constrained, it is possible to achieve much better utilization of power transformer.
Recently, DLR became a recognizable concept in the power systems research community; DTR is also slowly gaining its popularity among researchers. At the same time, the industry begins to recognize DR benefits and invest in dynamic rating technologies. However, there exist many unanswered questions to the technology's reliability, applicability and safe operation. One of the central questions is: how to integrate dynamic rating into short term and long term planning decisions?
he results of the work presented in this thesis show that dynamic rating has high potential to improve power system performance and reduce the costs for power dispatch and increase the share of the renewable energy in the electricity mix. Together with that dynamic rating can help to make renewable energy more accessible by decrease the investment needed for supplying the electricity demand and providing cheaper and faster grid connection.