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How we Process Your Personal Data

At Business Liaisons at KTH we process personal data in our work. This informational text explains which personal data we process and for what purpose.

KTH protects your privacy in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) .

Collection and retention of personal data

Why your personal data will be processed

We will be processing your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Digital newsletters/mailings with news from KTH and opportunities of collaboration and engagement
  • Surveys/questionnaires
  • Invitations to events
  • Internal work for administrative purposes such as administering an activity you participated in or signed up for, and dealing with any feedback or complaints that may arise
  • Advertising in the KTH Degree Project Portal

If you have questions about any of these purposes or how we communicate with you, don’t hesitate to contact us via .

What personal data is processed

The information we have about you may originate from:

  • That you participated in one of our events and consented to us retaining your personal data.
  • That you posted your degree project in the KTH Degree Project Portal and agreed that we store your personal data.
  • That you have provided your e-mail address when you filled out the form to subscribe to our mailings.
  • That you have repeatedly interacted with KTH in another manner.

The information that we collect about you is your contact information, such as name, e-mail address, and employer and position.

When participating in conferences, seminars or other events, we may make sound recording or take photographs. This means that you may appear in audio and/or video recordings or photographs that we process and which may also be published. We will notify you in advance if such recording or photography will take place.

We will not publish without obtaining your consent audio and/or video recordings in which you play a prominent role.

Your rights

You have the right to:

  • Ask us about access to, correction or deletion of your personal data.
  • Restrict the processing (pending correction or deletion).
  • Control which communications/marketing you want to receive.
  • The “Right to be Forgotten.” In accordance with the GDPR, we protect your “right to be forgotten,” i.e. the right to have private information removed. At your request, we can stop processing your personal data. To make such a request, simply e-mail us at .

The purposes for which we process your personal data

  1. To provide and administer conferences or other events that you have signed up for or participate in.
    The reason for such processing occurs is to comply with KTH’s commitments to you with your application/notification of participation. In connection with conferences, a list of participants will be sent out to all participants and speakers, where information about your name, e-mail address and your employer may be present. Such mailings occur due to the participants legitimate interest in receiving information that they may be considered to be interested in.
  1. Sending newsletters and information to you regarding KTH’s activities including upcoming conferences and other events.
    These mailings are only to fulfil KTH’s legitimate interest in being able to inform you about our activities. You always have the opportunity to decline such processing.

How we protect your personal data

We have data processing agreements with CGI, our vendor for our Customer Relationship Management system.

We never sell nor disclose personal data to third parties.

KTH’s data protection officer is responsible for monitoring compliance with relevant legislation in connection with to the protection of personal data, and can be contacted at

Retention period

KTH will retain and store your personal data as long as this information is needed for the purposes for which it was collected. This means that we process your data as long as you remain a member, are listed in our register for the newsletter, or as long as we need to administer the services we provide to you or your employer.

KTH may store certain personal data for a longer period of time than stated above for the purpose of complying with the requirements under the Swedish Archives Act.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact KTH’s Data Protection Officer via .