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KTH Space Rendezvous Spring Term 2015 – Wednesday 4 March 13.00-17.00 h, followed by a visit to Rymdpub

Last year, saw the establishment of the KTH Space Centre, with a grand opening in May. After a couple of well-attended meetings during 2013 we had confirmed that there are extensive space-related activities at KTH. To strengthen the internal space collaboration further, to exchange news and for purposes of informal discussions, we shall in future arrange a “KTH Space Rendezvous” each term. The first will take place on 4/3/2015 room K1, Teknikringen 56, KTH. The following items will feature:

  • Latest news about space at KTH.
  • KTH’s student satellite MIST
  • Satellite launches from Esrange

Presentations and discussions. Persons from Swedish Space Corporation (SSC), Swedish National Space Board (SNSB) and the national space enquiry (nationella rymdutredningen) will be invited.

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When the ‘official’ presentations and discussions are over, we shall move to Rymdpub with the chance to socialise.

You are most welcome!

Christer Fuglesang

KTH Space Center Director