KTH Space Center coordinates and promotes space-related activity at several KTH departments, with an overarching objective of establishing KTH as a "Space University" and a hub for Swedish space research and technology.
Æsir is recruting!
KTH's student rocketry association Æsir is recruting!
Æsir gives students an opportunity to work with real rockets.
Read more about the vacant roles and how to apply on their website .
Participate in PEGASUS student conference
If you have completed an independent project during your last year of studies or have graduated after April 2024?
You can have a chance to present your work at 21st Pegasus Student Conference, and meet your peers from aerospace universities across Europe.
Submit a single page abstract (no template required) for evaluation to Raffaello Mariani (rmariani@kth.se) and Mykola Ivchenko (nickolay@kth.se). The top three abstracts will be selected to attend the Pegasus Student Conference in Prague on April 25, 2025. Travel expenses will be covered by KTH and the host university, CVUT.
Apply for the prize for best final degree project on a space-related subject
Apply for the prize for best final degree project on a space-related subject, completed in 2024, at either advanced or basic level.
Last date to apply: February 1st.
The winners have the possibility to present their work at the Space Rendezous in March. Read more about how to apply with your thesis work at the application form
Interested in the use of AI for monitoring environmental changes?
During World Space Week 2024, KTH Space Center hosted a seminar titled "Earth Observation Big Data and Deep Learning for Global Environmental Change Monitoring," with Dr. Yifang Ban as the speaker. She presented groundbreaking methods for monitoring environmental changes using satellite data and AI, focusing on wildfires and urbanization.
If you missed the seminar, you can watch it here:
For those interested in delving deeper into the topic, KTH also offers several courses in geoinformatics and remote sensing, including these, where Dr. Yifang Ban is the course coordinator:
After completing one of these courses, it is also possible to do your thesis within this exciting field of research.
MIST is recruiting students and a teaching assistant
The student satellite project MIST is now recruiting new members. The MIST project is led by Sven Grahn, who has extensive experience. The project offers students the opportunity to participate in building a real satellite.
If you want to join MIST to work for academic credits, you need to apply no later than October 20. As a volunteer, you are encouraged to apply as soon as possible!
MIST is also recruiting a teaching assistant to help with engineering simulations for the project. The position is 20-49% and is paid. Apply by September 25 via the link below (this deadline does not apply to the above application).
We want to remind you that KTH Space Center offers the possibility to apply for financial support for groups or individuals at KTH who wish to carry out any space-related projects or operations.
The support is primarily aimed for new initiatives but ongoing projects and activities can also be considered. All employees and students at KTH are welcome to apply. Amounts of up to 50,000 kr is normal, in some cases higher sums can be considered.
Applications should be sent to rymdcenter@sci.kth.se
Marcus Wandt's launch to ISS - Axiom Mission 3
On 18th of January at 22.45 Sweden's second astronaut started his journey to the International Space Station as a part of the Axiom Mission 3 (Ax-3) . This mission is the first all-European commercial astronaut mission to the International Space Station!
On Axiom's youtube you can watch the launch and docking with ISS :
The KTH Space Technology Laboratory is a central part of KTH Space Center. The laboratory offers state-of-the art environments with laboratory equipment and technical staff with the aim is to strengthening the role of KTH within international research and space technology. Want to take a look inside the laboratory and what it has to offer? We now present our new video of the KTH Space Technology Laboratory!