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Reduced-order modelling for acoustics applications

Time: Mon 2023-09-25 15.00 - 16.00

Location: Munin, Teknikringen 8

Participating: Romain Rumpler

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Noise pollution remains a major concern in European societies. Solutions often involve treatments that can negatively affect product sustainability, exemplified by heavier vehicles. Emphasizing vibro-acoustic design early in the product lifecycle can both improve sustainability and optimize acoustic performance. Additionally, by analyzing emitted sound waves, potential malfunctions can be detected, thereby enhancing product longevity. Efficient physics-based sound modeling is pivotal not only for optimal design but also for the development of real-time digital twins that monitor performance. Addressing these challenges requires computationally-efficient modeling across a spectrum of acoustic problems, from micro-scale material acoustic evaluations to large-scale exterior noise propagation.

This presentation will highlight reduced-order modeling techniques tailored for these applications, with a particular emphasis on efficient simulations for vibro-acoustic and exterior acoustic challenges.