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Kishore comes from Andhra Pradesh, India. He did his bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from K L University, India. He worked as a Mechanical Design Engineer for four years before joining KTH. He loves to listen to music and watch movies during his free time.

Why did you choose this master's programme at KTH?

There were several factors that led me to choose MSc in Engineering Design at KTH. Being a mechanical design engineer, I always wanted to do a master's in the relevant field. This programme at KTH perfectly suits my expectations of broadening my design knowledge. The education system, innovation, and research activities at KTH are outstanding, and the involvement of sustainability has attracted me a lot. As the programme opens the way for a possible career in academia (doctoral studies), chances to further extend my studies after completing the master's gained my attention. Also, the fact that KTH is the leading technical university in Sweden with a great reputation and is geographically located in Stockholm makes it very obvious for me to consider KTH for my studies. Moreover, the positive feedback received from my brother(KTH Alumni) about KTH and the education system guided me to apply for the master's programme at KTH.

What are the best aspects of your programme?

The best aspect of my programme is the presence of an advanced project course which is executed in cooperation with industrial companies. This will help in acquiring essential technical and organisational skills. The usage of modern methods and tools for solving technical problems is very encouraging. 

Moreover, I feel that every aspect of this programme is beneficial and contributes to new learning. The programme offers two specialisation tracks in key areas of engineering design, Machine Design and Mechatronics.

Have you chosen a specialisation track within the programme?

I have chosen the Machine Design track as it provides scope to work in various industries. Also, my knowledge, experience and interest to design machine parts led me to make my choice.

What are some of your favourite courses so far?

I liked all the courses undergone until now, but my favourite courses are Component Design and Machine Design Advanced Course Part 1. The courses were well structured, and the assignments were challenging, a lot of thinking involved, and good learning outcomes from both the courses.

How do studies at KTH differ from your previous studies?

In my previous studies, the academic year is split into two semesters, whereas at KTH, we have two periods for each semester. The main advantage of dividing an academic year into four periods is that you need to focus only on three subjects, which is easier than focusing on six subjects. Also, a significant difference can be seen in the assignments, projects, and lab activities. The quality, technical complexity, and learning outcomes involved in these tasks at KTH are very high standards.

How is student life in Stockholm?

Stockholm is one of Europe's most vibrant cities. It is a fantastic place for students to live. It has so many wonderful attractions with a rich history. As a student, you have the chance to live in a corridor which is like a big international family. There are many parks and forest areas in the city which can be explored.

Along with the studies we can take part in sports and other activities. The Student Union provides an opportunity to participate in different activities and meet with new students. Moreover, students are allowed to work along with their studies. Briefly, I will say that the student life in Stockholm is awesome.

How would you describe your time at KTH so far?

Starting the programme with a kick-off competition in the introduction week, I really enjoyed my time at KTH. Studying here helped me to learn many new things and make new friends.

What do you want to do after graduating?

I would like to work as a Design Engineer in a company where I will be involved in designing and developing mechanical/electro-mechanical products.

What would you like to say to students thinking of choosing KTH for master's studies?

Don't miss the opportunity to study at KTH. It has been a wonderful experience for me so far. KTH is one of the best places to study. It helps you to become a technically strong person and will guide you towards a promising future.