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Mariia comes from a Russian city in Siberia Novosibirsk where she studied Architecture. After moving to Sweden, she studied urban design.

Why did you choose this master's programme at KTH?

As an urban designer, I am working with the complexity of cities, where creating value demands innovativeness and a creative approach for each context. However, good design in itself is not enough for the project to become successful and sustainably implemented. It is even more important to communicate the project to different agencies and organise the process of its construction using the latest technologies. And this was my primary motivation for choosing the programme Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management because I believe that entrepreneurial and management skills will help me realise my ideas in the future. 

What are the best aspects of your programme?

One of the benefits of the programme is its interdisciplinary environment, where talented people from all around the world with very different backgrounds meet and have an opportunity to work and learn from each other. Another benefit of the programme is how well it uncovers the nature of entrepreneurship and innovations, which is very helpful in one's entrepreneurship path. And finally, KTH is located in one of the capitals for startups and innovations. Thus, it is a great opportunity to get familiar with the real field. 

How do studies at KTH differ from your previous studies?

Group work is something that I really appreciated and enhanced at KTH that I did not have a lot of experience with in Russia. In my opinion, it is an excellent opportunity to learn from the programme and each other and become prepared for 'real life' where there are a lot of collaborations, and human relations are involved. Another aspect that I enjoy is that students have plenty of opportunities to further their ideas, such as KTH Innovation. 

How would you describe your time at KTH so far?

I feel that KTH is a place where a student matter and will be heard. Moreover, it is a great environment for networking and making friends, who I am lucky to have now. And finally, I value the aesthetics of a place where I spend a lot of time, and KTH Campus is very beautiful for sure!

What would you like to say to students thinking of choosing KTH for master's studies?

KTH is an amazing place to be in! It provides great quality of education, friendly environment and opens a lot of opportunities. If I could go back and choose again, I would still be studying at KTH Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management programme.