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Frida wants to continue conducting research after her Master's studies

Frida Kalm is a student of the Master's programme in Medical Biotechnology. Born and raised in Stockholm, she wants to continue with research after the completion of her Master's degree.

What made you decide to start studying at KTH?
The programme really suited me and the possibility of studying abroad was something I wanted to take on.

How did you decide which programme to choose?
I chose the one I found the most interesting and suitable for me.

What do you see as the greatest aspects of your programme?
The chance to continue within research afterwards is great and that is something I want to do.

What do you like about Stockholm?
I like that compared to other cities in the world, Stockholm is so green and always within close proximity to water.

Could you describe a regular day as a student at KTH?
Wake up, go to school, have lectures in Albanova, go to have lunch, and then I have more lectures and ultimately finish off with some studying before going home. 

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