INDEK researcher talks in Swedish Radio regarding companies' climate emissions

This week, climate activists entered SAS's annual general meeting and aired their dissatisfaction with the company's climate work. In recent decades, carbon dioxide emissions have been reduced in Sweden through political decisions, but now the government's climate policy is severely criticized by the Climate Policy Council. What role do politicians, owners and customers play in reducing the companies' climate emissions?
Christian Thomann, Associate Professor of Corporate Finance at INDEK, was part of the radio program Ekonomiekot extra on Swedish Radio which was broadcast on Friday 22nd March 2024, where he gives his view on the role owners, taxes and financing play in companies' emission reductions.
Christian's participation in the program starts after about 2 minutes, but it is good if you listen from the beginning to get more insight into what Christian is debating and about the research that is going on at INDEK.
Listen here: Taxes, activism or big capital – so may companies' emissions can be reduced (in Swedish)