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Lean@Home Event at INDEK April 8

Published Mar 27, 2019

On April 8 there will be an event at Indek, “Lean@Home: From High Ecological Footprint to Flow,” where Eva Jarlsdotter introduces how we can use lean principles to improve our quality of life and manage our personal carbon footprint.

  • Date: April 8
  • Time: 16:30 – 18:00 p.m.
  • Location: KTH, INDEK/Sing Sing building, Plattan (ground floor)
  • Address: Lindstedtsvägen 30

This event is hosted by the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Program at KTH and the Industrial Marketing and Entrepreneurship Unit at KTH in collaboration with SE Forum, a Stockholm-based nonprofit that empowers entrepreneurs from all over the world to use business to do good.

This event is free and open to the public but registration is required to attend. We hope to see you there!


About the Speaker:
Eva Jarlsdotter is Founder and CEO of Lean@home AB, owner of Daughter of a King Publishing and founder of Jarlsdotter Media, and TEDx speaker. Previously, she served as Vice President at TeliaSonera and Communications and CSR Director for AstraZeneca. She was also a news reporter at TT and daily press. She has studied at University of Journalism and the Stockholm School of Economics, where she was one of the first to do a thesis in CSR, and served on the board of SE Forum (Social Entrepreneurship Forum). She began her career as a journalist. After almost a decade in journalism, she left to work in global management roles in communications and corporate social responsibility, in the telecom and life science industries. Then she resigned from her position as Vice President in an international telecom company to complete a fiction trilogy. At the same time, her family started to implement lean in their home. Today she is the pioneer of the lean@home concept. She currently works as a social entrepreneur, author, advisor, and speaker.

About the Talk:
According to the United Nations, we are the first generation ever that can end all poverty in the world—and the last one that can stop climate change. Eva Jarlsdotter shares how we all, with small sustainable steps, can become that generation that stops the climate change. She and her family have dramatically reduced their environmental footprint. In less than a year they cut the expenses in half—without losing quality of life (to the contrary: gaining life quality). Today, this has inspired thousands of homes around the globe to untangle their home and everyday life, follow the thread, and stop being a threat to the planet.

For more information, see here: Lean@home  
Daughter of a King Publishing web site:

The program will conclude with time to meet other leaders, professionals, researchers, and students interested in these topics.

Gregg Vanourek

Board Chairman, SE Forum

Belongs to: Industrial Economics and Management
Last changed: Mar 27, 2019