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Strategic collaboration

Published Jun 25, 2012

ITCLabs represents an unusually large research investment initiated by the European Institute of Innovation&Technology to strengthen Europe´s innovation and competitiveness in the domain of information and communication technologies.

On behalf of the ICTLabs and in collaboration with the involved partners our department has been commissioned to design an entrepreneurship track within the PhD education included in the investment.

This track encompasses one year of theoretical and practical studies and will be carried out together with business partners involved in or associated with ICTLabs.

Gunnar Landgren at the KTH school of Information and Communication Technology is director for the Stockholm node of ICTLabs.  

Henrik Blomgren and Martin Wendel have been appointed responsible at our department. Terrence Brown is since earlier responsible for the corresponding master level track. 

Belongs to: Industrial Economics and Management
Last changed: Jun 25, 2012