Micro and Nanosystems
New lab name
"Micro and Nanosystems" is the new name for the lab that was previously called Microsystem technology. The acronym will still be MST. The change is made to reflect the fact that much of the research done at the lab concerns nanoscale structures and components.
Micro- and nano-electromechanical systems (MEMS and NEMS) are contributing in various ways to addressing the challenges of society, including healthcare, energy and resource efficiency, transportation and environmental protection. MEMS and NEMS are vital parts in an increasing number of medical, industrial and consumer products and thus have a large impact on European industry.
As a natural consequence in reaching for high-target goals in the on-going research projects at KTH-MST, we are currently developing several materials and devices with dimensions in the nanoscale, including nanopores, nanoscale electrical switches and nano-slot photonic waveguides for biofluidic applications. These nano-related activities, combined with our broad MEMS competence, place us in a good position to make contributions in the field of NEMS. To reflect this evolution towards nanoscale features and to provide a more appropriate picture of our current and future research activities, we are changing our group name to “Micro and Nanosystems (MST)”.