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Studies within Micro and Nanosystems

The division provides undergraduate courses in the areas of Microsystem Technology and Measurement Technology.

Programme and courses


The division teach in the Master of Science Programme in Electrical Engineering.

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (information in Swedish)


The division gives the following courses:

Build your own Radar System

This is a hands-on project course for MSc students, in which the students learn about modern radar systems and lean how to build their own radar hardware and to implement their own signal processing algorithms. For the hardware part, they build a radar system at 2.5 GHz from scratch by using integrated circuits, and they utilize also a state-of-the-art software-defined radar platform for a 5.8 GHz radar. For the software part, the students learn how to implement basic radar signal processing including FMCW, CW, background clutter reduction, SAR, position/velocity discrimination, multiple-target detection.

Webpage of Build your own Radar System

Measurement Technology

The Measurement Technology course is a mandatory course for students in the 5-year Electrical Engineering program at KTH. The course includes lectures, theoretical exercises and labs. This gives the students both a theoretical understanding of measurement technology as well as hands-on experience with common measurement instruments. The course is given in Swedish.

Webpage of Mätteknik

Microsystem Technology

The course gives an introduction to the MEMS field and highlights some of the different application areas in more detail. Besides seminars the students also participate in a cleanroom based lab to manufacture and evaluate silicon microdevices. The course is given every year in study period 4. It is given in English and attracts Swedish and exchange students from the 5 year engineering programmes as well as from several of the master programmes. The course is given in English. 

Webpage of Microsystem Technology

Hands-On Microelectro­mechanical Systems Engineering

This course is designed as a “hands-on” project course for students who would like to deepen their basic understanding of microelectromachnical systems, by actively designing, fabricating and evaluating different MEMS micro. The course is given every year in study period 2. The course is given in English. 

Webpage of Hands-On Microelectromechanical Systems Engineering

Project courses

For students at one of KTH's master programmes, the Division of Micro and Nanosystems can also offer individualized project courses. Contact associate professor Kristinn Gylfason, Director of Undergraduate Studies, for more information.

Master degree projects

Looking for a master degree project in Microsystems or Measurement technology?
Have a look at the profile pages of the professors at the division to learn about their research and get in touch if you find something interesting.
We can offer projects in most programs at KTH.