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Obama saw future fuel cell from EE

Obama at KTH. KTH's showcase of renewable energy technology included a hybride fuel cell form EE.
Published Sep 04, 2013

On his visit to KTH, Barack Obama was showcased PowerTrekk, a fuel cell and battery charger that runs on water - a spin-off from EE. The proud inventors of the future energy hybrid fuel cell are Wouter van der Wijngaart and Sjoerd Hassl from Micro and Nanosystems.

Wouter van der Wijngaart

"I’m very proud that technology developed in our team is recognized by the most powerful influencer of renewable energy in the world," says Wouter van der Wijngaart.

The core invention, made by van der Wijngaart and Hassl together with two researchers from KTH Chemistry, was a manufacturing method of the so-called Membrane Electrode Assembly (MEA). MEA is at the heart of the fuel cell, as it allows to drastically cut the manufacturing cost for small fuel cells, while providing a very high power output (that is: power output / device size).

Read more about PowerTrekk at .