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Avoid the pronouns 'you' and 'one'

To boost the formality of your scientific writing, avoid 'you' and 'one' as pronouns for general reference.

Avoid 'you'

While direct references to the audience are effective in an oral presentation, you should avoid addressing the reader as you/your in scientific writing, as in (1a). Instead, use a precise noun to indicate who is experiencing the effects, as in (1b), or re-write in the passive, as in (1c). See also the section on objective writing .

Less formal:

(1a) You can see the effects of this if you donate blood.  

More formal:

(1b) Blood donors sometimes experience this.

(1c) These effects can be seen in blood donors.

Can I write 'one can see the effects'?

Note that one, as in one can see the effects, is an old-fashioned pronoun that has limited use in contemporary English. One is therefore not a suitable replacement for you in example (1a) above. It is better to use a specific subject, e.g. blood donors (1b) or a passive structure, e.g. the effects can be seen (1c).